Business Directory

ETX Innovation Center
ETX Innovation Center
P.O. Box 501
Beckville, TX 75631

Jennifer, Tony, and their amazing team of ETX Innovators are passionate about helping East Texans launch their business idea and to help make their lives easier in small towns. We bring large city training and development to you!

Jennifer is a 5th Generation Panola County resident who understands small business and life in East Texas. As a daughter of two East Texas business owners, it was only natural for her to develop her training and development business in her home county, Panola County. Jennifer received her Associate's Degree in Communication from Panola College, her Bachelor and Master's Degrees in Communication from Stephen F. Austin State University (SFASU), and her Doctorate of Education Degree from Sam Houston State University (SHSU). Jennifer is also a professor at a university in Texas.

Tony is a 4th Generation Texan from San Antonio, Texas. Tony received his Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Science and Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration from Texas A&M University in College Station and his Doctorate of Education Degree from Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. Tony is a professor at a community college in Texas.

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